Emanare (Destined, #1) Read online

Page 17

  “You're not a burden,” he said. “Draylan volunteered to keep an eye on you during the football game. He called me when he saw the Kavari in the woods.”

  Draylan volunteered? The universe had to be out of whack. Maybe some planet was out of alignment. Evrik had said they were a loyal race and would do anything for each other. Sam was sure Draylan had only protected her for Evrik and not because he cared about her survival. It didn’t matter. Either way, she was still grateful.

  Evrik didn’t say another word. He moved the logs around with the metal poker; the flames shot up the chimney.

  “Speaking of Draylan,” she said. “Is he telekinetic? He took out the Kavari without even touching them.”

  “Draylan has the ability to move things with his mind. He used his telekinetic ability against the Kavari this evening. Draylan’s gift is very useful in battle. The Kavari leader would love to have it.”

  Sam inched closer to Evrik. Even though she was safe now, she couldn’t shake the fear she’d felt earlier.

  “How are your hands?” Evrik gently took Sam’s hands in his, lightly running the tips of his fingers over the bandages.

  “They sting a little, but they’ll heal.” The color of Evrik’s skin appeared deeper in the reflection of the fire. Removing her hands from his, Sam reached up to touch his face.

  Evrik ran his hands up her thighs, pausing at the small of her back. Sam’s heartbeat quickened. He lifted her up, bringing Sam closer to him. Evrik’s large arms wrapped around her and they leaned into each other. His lips were soft and warm. Sam let him comfort her, losing herself in the security of his embrace. Then they made love for the first time.


  Sam returned from her memory, bent over her knees on Chase’s bed, soaked with sweat, and breathing heavily. Her heart pounded through her chest. She pulled herself upright. “Wow, that was an intense memory—I almost got killed, and then I made love.” She felt her hot, flushed cheeks. “Whew!” She wiggled around, loosening her tight muscles.

  “Seriously, Samantha, I don’t want to hear anything about your sex life unless I’m involved,” Chase quipped.

  “You’re not mad at me anymore.” Sam forgot about her splitting migraine and cheered.

  “Yes, I am,” he argued.

  “No, you’re not. I’ve remembered enough about you and about us to know…you’ve forgiven me. You’re joking around; you forgive me,” she said. “Hey—why didn’t you shift the night after the football game, when we were attacked by the Kavari?”

  “What?” Chase asked, surprised. “Is that what you remembered, when we were attacked after the game?”

  “I seem to have remembered the whole weekend, a few days in a row. Everything is coming back to me, and in larger chunks of time. I remembered you and Evrik…oh, and…”

  “Reminder…” He put his forefinger in the air. “I don’t want to hear about your sex life.”

  Sam wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. “Oh yeah—sorry.” She had been caught up in a steamy reminiscent moment again. She and Evrik together—it was incredible.

  Noticing Sam’s still-flushed face, Chase made a half-circle with his finger, signaling a fast forward through the topic of sex and Evrik. “About that night, I knew I wasn’t attacked by a ‘drug dealer’ from the city. I went along with the plan to protect the Lightwarriors and to protect you. None of us want our abilities shared with the human world. I might not like them, but I respect their need for secrecy. We all deal with the problem.”

  “But you didn’t shift. Why?”

  “You didn’t always know what I was. I didn’t tell you until a little over a month ago. Hell, you didn’t know what you were until now.”

  “I guess.” Sam nodded.

  “When we were attacked, I didn’t have time to make the decision whether to shift or not. I knew something was wrong before the demon jumped me, but…” he paused. “I didn’t want you to see who I was, but I also wanted to protect you. There weren’t any students around. Looking back, I should’ve just shifted.”

  “Wasn’t Vicky supposed to protect me?” Sam said incredulously.

  “I didn’t see her anywhere. I’m getting the feeling she wasn’t the best at her job. It was a good thing you had me.”

  “And Evrik…”

  “No,” Chase protested. “It was because of Evrik that you were in those life-threatening situations. You don’t see me being hunted by ugly creatures for my abilities. You had to fall in love with a Lightwarrior, didn’t you? You couldn’t have settled for a nice, well-rounded skin-walker?”

  “Who knows? If you had first appeared to me as a cute puppy, I might have fallen in love at first sight.”

  “You seem like a Labrador type,” Chase suggested with a one-dimple smile.

  “Moving on…” Sam shifted the conversation away from the topic of love and Chase. She had enough issues to deal with. “Did Evrik try to use his mind to manipulate you?”

  “No, Evrik figured out what I was that night. I asked him to keep it from you, against his better judgment. I assured him you would never have to find out—but I was obviously wrong,” he said regretfully. “Anyway, I heal fast. Everything was cool.”

  “If you heal so fast, why did you go to the hospital?”

  “I had to. You saw the Kavari attack me. A normal human wouldn't have survived without medical treatment. You would’ve known something was up if I hadn’t gone. Evrik and I came up with the story, and I went.”

  “You mean you and Evrik actually worked together?”

  “It happens,” Chase muttered.

  “In my memory, I felt so bad for involving you in my danger,” Sam said.

  Chase took her hand in his. “Back then, I wished you would have told me about Evrik. All those times you were sad or confused, I could’ve helped you.”

  “But you knew, for sure. Why didn’t you tell me you knew about Lightwarriors and demons?”

  “I should’ve, but I figured you’d tell me when you were ready.” Chase shrugged his shoulders. “I just really wanted you to feel comfortable enough to tell me on your own. Also, I didn’t tell you because I knew you had enough to deal with, knowing what Evrik was. I didn’t want to burden you with my secret, too.”

  “I don’t remember. I guess I forgave you,” Sam said.

  “You did.” He removed his hand from hers and punched Sam’s arm playfully. “Now why are you down here?”

  “I can’t just come hang out with my best friend?”

  “Not when Lauren is missing.”

  “You’re right. I’m really worried about her…and Ann.” Sam’s light brown eyes swam in concern.

  “Ann? What’s wrong with her? Is she missing too?”

  “She’s acting strange.” Sam looked off to the side and shook her head.

  “What, did she yell at you, or say something mean?” Chase joked.

  “No, weirder.”

  “Weirder than Ann saying something mean.” He made a surprised open-mouthed facial expression with his hands on his cheeks.

  “Seriously, Chase, when I got out of the shower earlier, she was in the bathroom, just staring, like she was in some sort of bizarre trance.”

  “Do you think she’s bi? Was she checking you out?” Chase made an obnoxious seesaw motion with his eyes.

  Sam smacked him. “No, Chase…shut up. I’m not joking.”

  “If she’s gay, I’m telling Cody. He’ll think it’s awesome.” He pulled the phone out of his worn-out jeans pocket and pretended to dial.

  “Seriously, if you don’t stop, I’m not going to talk with you about this.” Chase made a lock-my-lips-and-throw-away-the-key gesture.

  “Ann wasn’t herself. When I asked her if she was okay she barely spoke to me, and then she left. She didn’t even ask about Lauren. She was so worried about Lauren this morning. Ann didn’t even poke her head into my room to ask if I’d found her.”

  “That does sound strange. There’s one
person you should talk to. Maybe she’s noticed a change. Hell, she can read her mind.” Chase tensed, no doubt remembering their “rendezvous.”

  “You’re coming with me.” Sam tugged on Chase’s arm.

  “No, I’m not,” he protested, pasting his butt to the mattress. “In case you don’t remember, we’re not on the best of terms, and I don’t need her to read any more of my not-so-nice thoughts about her.”

  “You’re coming with me anyway.” Sam tugged harder, bringing Chase to his feet.


  The 29th and Sisson Street tunnel. Alea recognized the intersecting street sign. The old railroad tunnel ran below the city. She remembered reading an article about it in The Baltimore Sun. It was used for freight trains, once home to the Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad in the 1920s and ‘30s, and had completely shut down by the late 1950s.

  The tunnel was the perfect entrance from the Infernus. With its 160-foot passage, demons could easily gain access to Baltimore. Completely buried under rock, landscaping, and other rubble, the tunnel’s thirty-foot circumference was now home to rodents, insects, and the demons that passed within its walls. With exits to many Baltimore locations—Roland Park, Rodgers Forge, and Tolbert, the tunnel made it much easier for Cale to abduct Lauren.

  Alea remained motionless over the large ceramic bowl, staring at the green gas as it swirled around, creating a terrifying image. All this time, demons had access to Baltimore through the tunnel. Cale and how many other demons had crossed into the human world this way?

  In the vision, Lauren was down there, below the earth with at least one demon, Cale. The image started to fade. Alea squinted. She knew Cale would drag Lauren through the tunnel this evening. She just wished she knew the exact entrance to the tunnel. They would never be able to find Lauren if they couldn’t figure out how to gain access to the tunnel. The article had mentioned exits, but that was decades ago. With the construction of new roads, housing, and commercial buildings, she had no idea where any entrances would be now.

  Malachi materialized next to her. He placed a loving hand on her back. “Have you had any luck locating Lauren?”

  “I think she’s still in Baltimore, for now.”

  “For now?”

  Alea turned into the comfort of Malachi’s arm around her waist. “Lauren’s in trouble. Sam was right.”

  Malachi twisted Alea’s long black locks in his fingers and rubbed her back. “What did you see?”

  “I know where to find Lauren, but we can’t go until after dark.” Alea sighed in frustration.

  “That’s good.” Malachi wore a look of confusion. “What’s wrong? We will all go this evening and bring her back to Tolbert.” Malachi gently pushed Alea backward by her shoulders, staring into her eyes. “Why do you still look so worried? Between us and Chase, and now Sam, Cale would be the stupidest demon I’ve ever encountered if he didn’t let Lauren go. Demons are afraid of confronting one Lightwarrior, let alone four, and one of the four is one of the most powerful of our kind. Stop worrying—we’ll get her back.”

  Alea’s silver eyes smoldered with uncertainty. “Malachi, you don’t understand. I found something much more dangerous than Cale.” Alea drew back from his grasp. “Where are Evrik and Draylan?”

  “What’s wrong, Alea?” Malachi persisted.

  “Just find the guys.”


  “We have to talk…now…all of us,” Alea demanded. An alarming quiver vibrated deep in her bones. This could be much bigger than Cale.


  Sam pushed a very reluctant Chase down the hallway to Vicky’s room. She hoped they could speak to Vicky alone. If Ann answered, she wasn’t sure what she was going to say, especially after their strange encounter in the bathroom. Ann was always so kind and considerate, but that afternoon she seemed disoriented, confused, and downright creepy.

  “What do you two want?” Vicky opened the door, scowling.

  Chase leaned over to whisper in Sam’s ear. “I told you this isn’t going to work. She’s reading my mind right now.”

  “Then stop thinking,” Sam said briskly.

  “I can’t. When I try not to think, I think more.”

  “Are you two done whispering? I can hear you. You think everything you say before you say it.” Vicky exhaled loudly.

  Chase turned beet-red.

  “Nice, Chase. I heard that,” Vicky said.

  “Chase, stop thinking,” Sam ordered.

  “Tell her to stop listening."

  “Both of you stop!” Sam glared at Chase. “Chase, think about butterflies, and Vicky, stop listening to his thoughts. He doesn’t have anything nice to say.”

  “Fine,” he said.

  “Fine,” she said.

  “Now please let us in. We have to talk.” Sam peered around Vicky, making sure Ann wasn’t in the room.

  “I have an afternoon class, so make it fast.” Vicky opened the door, still glaring at Chase.

  “Did you do something different in here?” Sam’s muscles tightened.

  “Me, no. Miss Prim and Proper, yes,” Vicky miffed.

  Sam couldn’t believe her eyes. Ann’s side of the room looked like a dirty, filthy, moldy, stinky bomb had hit it. Clothes were strewn everywhere. Old food wrappers, half-sandwiches, soda cans, ripped textbooks, and feathers from her down comforter were scattered haphazardly over the mattress, which was now on the floor. “When did Ann do this?” Sam asked, sliding past Vicky into the room. Chase followed close behind.

  “Sometime between Biology and now.” Vicky squeezed in between Sam and Chase, sliding her fingers across his washboard abs as she passed.

  “Hey—” Chase stumbled back.

  “You liked it. You just wish it were Sam who was touching you.”

  “Butterflies—” Sam said to Chase.

  “Then tell her not to touch me.” Noticing Sam’s cut-it-out expression, Chase put his palms up.

  Bringing everyone back to the natural disaster across the room, Sam confronted Vicky. “With everything going on, a sanguis demon being in town, me being an angeling, and Lauren disappearing, you didn’t think Ann turning her side of the room into a dumpster was a red flag to a serious problem?”

  Vicky flipped her caramel highlights and stuck her skinny hip out. “Well, yeah, I noticed, but as I said earlier, the sanguis demon, you, Lauren’s disappearance, and Ann turning into a sewer rat are no longer any of my business. My. Job. Is. Done.” She articulated each word.

  “What do you mean by Ann being a sewer rat?” Sam asked.

  “You should hear her thoughts. All she thinks about is finding a sewer drain,” Vicky answered.

  “And you don’t think that’s weird?” Sam stomped over to Ann’s bed frame. She plucked a map of the university out from between two coils in the mattress and pried a sticky Snicker’s bar wrapper off the crumpled paper.

  “That little thief stole my map.” Vicky ripped the map from Sam’s hands. “Eww…you can have it.” She threw it back to Sam, but the paper just floated to the ground. “That is totally disgusting.” Vicky scrubbed her hands under the sink faucet with her hot pink soap. “And stop laughing in your head, animal-boy.” Vicky shot Chase the evil eye.

  “Butterflies—” he responded, which made Sam chuckle. Vicky was being a royal pain in the ass.

  “Has Ann thought about anything else unusual, other than finding a sewer?” Sam stepped over the mattress, to the clean side of the room. She handed the map to Chase.

  “She thinks a lot about junk food. That’s probably where she is right now, raiding McDonald’s.” Vicky waggled over to her closet and removed her top, exposing her purple, C-cup lace Victoria’s Secret bra. “Keep it in your pants, shape shifter, you had your chance.” Noticing Sam’s open-mouthed expression, Vicky threw on a cream-colored sweater. “What? I told you I had a class to go to. I’ve got to get dressed.”

  “In front of us?” Sam looked over at Chase, who was visibly straining to change his thoug

  “Oh, please. When your animal-boy was kissing me in his room, he—”

  Sam cut Vicky off. “TMI, we’re leaving.”

  “What did you see in her?” Sam mumbled. They exited the elevator doors, reaching the dorm lobby.

  “If I recall correctly, you forced me to go to dinner with her.”

  “If I recall correctly, I didn’t force you to make out with her.”

  “Are you jealous?” he asked smugly, exposing his dimples.

  “No.” Well, maybe a little, but she wasn’t going to admit it. She was remembering Evrik more and more now, and with each memory she remembered that she loved him, and not just loved him, but was totally head over heels in love with him. Good—ness!

  “What do we do now?” Chase held the door open for Sam to step outside. The air was chilly, but the sun acted as a gigantic heating lamp, making the temperature feel less nippy.

  “Do you have your car keys?”

  “Yeah.” He jingled them around in the pocket of his jeans and cast Sam a sideways look.

  “We’re going to McDonald’s.” She smiled.

  “Why? Vicky wasn’t actually serious.” He followed Sam in the direction of the parking garage.

  “Vicky said that Ann was probably raiding McDonald’s. I think that was her way of saying she heard Ann think about McDonald’s. It won’t hurt to try. If something has happened to Ann, I want to get to her before she does anything stupid.”

  “What do you mean?” Chase’s remote unlocked the doors to his silver Honda Accord and opened the passenger door for Sam to get in.

  “Thanks,” she said, slipping into the seat. “I think Cale or some other demon has done something to her. She’s not acting like herself. Ann doesn’t litter all over her room or sleep on the floor.”

  “And she doesn’t usually watch you shower, either,” Chase added. He hopped into the driver’s seat and started the car.